Fisher Island Resort
Provident Luxury Suites Fisher Island offers the perfect base from which to explore Miami. However, if you would like to remain on-island, we recommend you take advantage of these great activities offered at Fisher Island:
- Six Casual/Fine Dining Restaurants
- World Class Spa
- World Class Golf Course Designed by Pete Dye
- 18 Tennis Courts
- Swimming Pools
- Deep Water Marina
- Playground
- Private Beach
- Island Shopping
- Sea Plane Landing
- Fitness & Wellness Center
Most amenities and restaurants on Fisher Island are managed by the Fisher Island Club. Provident Luxury Suites Fisher Island has no affiliation with the Fisher Island Club. Upon arrival, guests are required to register and become temporary members with the Fisher Island Club to access many on-island amenities. Daily transfer and access fees of $100 per day plus tax will apply.
Please note that the resort fee is paid directly to the Club and will be processed at the membership office Monday-Friday from 9:00 am- 5:00 pm and Saturday - Sunday from 10;00 am - 4;00 pm. Arrivals after the hours of operation for the Club membership, will result in limited access to the Island amenities including the restaurant, spa, gym, golf and tennis.
Amenity pricing for the Fisher Island Club is $150 a day for 2 adutls and 2 children under 18 years old and there is a 3 day minimum. Additional guests are $100 per day extra.